May HealthE by Medica

May HealthE by Medica

Stress less, live more

We all get stressed from time to time. Here are some ways to help bring calm into your life.

  1. Take action. You can relieve minor stressors with a little effort. Does the news make you tense? Try limiting how much you watch, read, or listen to every day. Same goes for social media. Yes, it can connect you to friends and loved ones, but numerous studies point out how it also triggers stress responses. Taking action gives you a feeling of control.
  2. Find a healthy distraction. Hobbies such as quilting, painting, and gardening will let you set your worries aside for a few hours. If you can do them with someone else, even better. Companionship is a proven stress-reliever.
  3. Resist unhealthy distractions. Overeating, excess shopping, and spending too much time online will distract you—but not in a healthy way. Stay healthy. Basic health routines help your body reset from stressful events. A diet low on processed foods and heavy on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and legumes is one way. Restful sleep is another. And regular exercise releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins in your brain, improving your mood and helping you sleep.
  4. Breathe. Meditation, prayer, writing in a journal, and similar activities can defuse stress. Even simple breathing exercises can help calm your mind. Sit comfortably and breathe in through your nose for the count of four, hold it a few seconds, then exhale for the count of eight. Try this five times each morning and evening to increase feelings of calm.

These techniques can help. But there might be times when stress won’t ease up, no matter what healthy habits you embrace. If that happens, talk with your health care provider or a therapist. They can help get to the root of your stress—and help you find ways to cope and thrive.

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