Exciting Expansion News!

Exciting Expansion News!

Exciting Expansion News at Petro Serve USA Distribution Center!

We're thrilled to announce a significant development at our distribution center that will enhance our operations and offerings. We're expanding our facility to include additional freezer space, marking a new chapter in our journey towards growth and excellence.

Expansion Details:

  • Increased Freezer Capacity: The expansion will provide us with ample freezer space, allowing us to diversify our product range and better meet the needs of our customers.
  • Enhanced Safety Measures: This expansion isn't just about increasing capacity; it's also about ensuring the safety and well-being of our staff. With more space for loading and unloading products, we're taking proactive steps to create a safer working environment for everyone.

Next Steps:

  • Construction on the expansion project is already underway, and we expect to have the new freezer space up and running in the coming months.
  • As we progress with the expansion, we'll provide regular updates to keep everyone informed about the latest developments and timelines.

We look forward to the opportunities that this expansion will bring and the continued success of Petro Serve USA.